Fun Facts About Fashion

Fun Facts About Fashion

1. The four major fashion capitals of the world are, New York, Paris, Milan, and London.

2. The five most common clothing materials are, linen, cotton, polyester, and rayon.

3.  More than 2 billion t-shirts are sold each year.

4. The first fashion magazine was published in Germany, 1586.

5. The fashion industry generates an average revenue of $20 billion each year.

6.  The earliest known shoes are sandals that date back to approximately 7,000 B.C.  However, bone analysis of early humans suggest humans began wearing shoes as early as 40,000 years ago.

7.  In Arab culture, shoes are considered dirty because they touch the ground and cover the lowest part of the body, the foot.  It is considered offensive to show one’s shoe sole, and throwing your shoe at someone is an extremely grave insult

8. Standard women’s clothes are designed to fit women between 5’4 and 5’8 tall.

9.  One silk cocoon produces an average of 600 to 900 meters of silk filaments, but it takes four to eight pieces to make one strand of silk thread.  In all, it takes about 30,000 silkworms to produce 12 pounds of raw silk.

10.  The skirt is the second oldest piece of clothing, outdated only by the loincloth.

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